Transplantation Surgery

We are home to New Hampshire's only transplant center, offering kidney transplant services to children and adults. Your transplant team has decades of advanced transplant experience and a long history of successful transplantation. Learn about a typical transplant patient experience.

We are here to help you, before and after surgery.

Michael Daily, MD, Section Chief of Solid Organ Transplant, and Michael Chobanian, MD, Solid Organ Medical Director, reflect on our 1000th solid organ transplant and the future of the program.

Are you considering a kidney transplant?

Anyone who has kidney failure may be eligible for a transplant, except those with certain serious medical conditions. Your provider can help you decide if kidney transplant surgery is a good fit for you.

Start by reading about our typical kidney transplant patient experience, including what to expect after a kidney transplant. When you are ready, learn how to make an appointment.

Be a living donor

Every year, our team cares for many patients who donate their kidneys to loved ones. If you are considering donating a kidney, learn how living kidney donation works here.

kidney donor hikers at the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro

How one woman’s selfless act to donate a kidney led her to the top of the world

Less than a year after donating a kidney, Maureen Murphy hiked Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa, to raise awareness for organ donation.

View story

Kidney transplant quality and results

Transplantation Surgery outcome data

The Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) publishes detailed statistics about the results experienced by our transplantation patients.

View the latest SRTR report for Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital on the SRTR website.

  • More than 10,000 kidney transplants are performed each year.
  • 95% of people who have kidney transplants are alive after one year, compared with a 90% survival rate after the first year of dialysis.
  • If a transplanted kidney is given by a living donor, the transplantation success rate is higher than if the kidney came from a deceased person. The survival of the transplanted kidney itself is 75% to 85% at one year when it is from a deceased, unrelated donor, as compared to over 90% when the kidney is donated by a living person.

Learn more about transplants

We conduct outreach sessions in Manchester, Portsmouth, and Nashua, NH. These sessions bring together health care professionals, local nephrologists, and transplant patients in community sessions designed to promote an understanding of transplants. 联系 us to learn more.